Why do I like Arduino? I've worked with 8080 type processors in the past and even through various other processors and microcontrollers. I've worked with the PIC microcontrollers. But what I love about Arduinos is a lot of the hard work is done for you. I don't have to dig through datasheet details, pinouts, and code trying to make something work.
While I've done that many times in the past developing test sets, circuit boards, and interface circuitry and loads of other projects I'm at a time when I don't have the luxury of that much time. So now when I develop I prefer to be able to put components together for an idea on a project and jump into coding.
The coding on the Arduino boards is very easy compared to what I've had to do in the past. Again a lot of the libraries take the hard work out of making something as simple as turning on an LED or port a lot easier with just a simple line of code.
So here is my current inventory of Arduino boards. I will list the shields separately elsewhere.
I changed some of the pictures so you get an idea of actual size. They look big until you compare them to a hand.
Iduino Uno - An Arduino Uno Clone - ~$6
Most of these boards I got off E-Bay. I watch and get an idea what the lowest prices for them are going for and try to get one as low as I can. Of course making sure they don't get you on shipping. Even the ones I get from overseas get here as fast if not faster than in the US.
I love the fact the Arduino boards are so reasonable that you can get a ready-to-go system pretty much right off the bat. The prices are approximately the going rate on E-Bay. Of course it depends on shipping etc. But they can be much higher on some electronics sites.
Arduino - Leonardo - ~$5.25
Iduino Due - Arduino Due Clone - ~$18
Arduino Mega 2560 in a case
Mega 2560 Pro Mini v.1.0 - ~$15
Atmega328 Pro Mini - ~$2.39
Board Comparison
Board |
Core |
Op Volt |
Clock |
Flash |
Length |
Width |
Weight |
Digit I/O |
Analog In |
Analog Out |
DC Curr. 3.3v
pin |
DC Curr 5V Pin |
Uno |
ATmega328 |
8-bit |
5V |
16Mhz |
32Kb .5boot |
2Kb |
1Kb |
2.7" |
2.1" |
25g |
14 6PWM |
6 10-bit |
50mA |
Due |
32-Bit |
3.3V |
84Mhz |
512Kb |
96Kb |
3.99" |
2.1" |
36g |
54 12PWM |
12 12-bit |
2 DAC 12-bit |
800mA |
800mA |
Mega 2560 |
ATmega2560 |
8-bit |
5V |
16Mhz |
256Kb 8Kb boot |
8kb |
4Kb |
54 15PWM |
16 10-bit |
50mA |
Nano |
ATmega328 |
8-bit |
5V |
16Mhz |
32Kb 2boot |
2KB |
1kB |
1.77" |
.7" |
5g |
14 6PWM |
8 10-bit |
Leonardo |
ATmega32u4 |
8-bit |
5V |
16Mhz |
32Kb 4boot |
2.5kb |
1Kb |
2.7" |
2.1" |
20g |
20 |
12 10-bit |
50mA |
| |
STM32 STM32F103C8T6 32-bit 3.3V 72mhz 64Kb 20Kb 2.1 .8"
Most features will depend on what your needs are. My suggestion is start with a smaller board to see what you can and can't do with it if you're not sure. A lot of work can be done in a small amount of memory.
There is one feature you MUST be aware of. That is the 3.3V on the Due. This means that the maximum voltage the I/O pins can handle is 3.3V. If you try to input 5V logic levels or voltage of 5V into these pins you will more than likely damage the board. Also if you use shields there are some built specific to the Due's 3.3 volt requirements. If you use this board do be careful in selection of what components you connect to it. If you're not sure ask on one of the forums.